Saturday, August 3, 2013


My name is Kiersten Benson! I am 5'2", I have insanely long hair, 
and I am the biggest nerd you will ever meet!

 Why? Well for one, I LOVE Harry Potter!(seriously I could tell you sooo many pointless facts of Harry Potter you probably don't want to hear.) Like the fact I could tell you off the top of my head: the entire series of Harry Potter says, "Harry Potter" 18,956 times! Or that the Harry Potter books are translated into 67 different languages! Or that "Expecto Patronum!" translates in Latin to: "I await a guardian"! And on and on and on. You get the idea. 
                                                I love Harry Potter.

Next, you probably guessed, I read A LOT. Honestly, my family tells me daily that I am a hermit because I read WAY too MUCH. But for me, it isn't just reading. When I read, it is like the real world around me fades away as I blissfully fall and sink into the ivory pages of another world. It is a way to cleanse my cluttered thoughts of the day and forget the problems of the world, if only for a short moment, but it sure is enough for me. 

 I also am an artist! It sounds weird for me to say that sometimes, because it sounds so professional. But I am an artist. I mainly love to draw, (mechanical pencil at norm) I love water colors, and I dabble at everything else! Art is just one way I like to express and free myself. It, like reading, is therapeutic for me and makes me blissfully happy. I am only now teaching myself not to worry what others think of your art, but just make it and love it! 

I too love pretty much anything most people classify as "nerdy." Such as: Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, which I ONLY watch the extended edition! (Is there even a theatrical version? I don't know.) Star Trek, and just about everything "nerdy" you "normal" people can think of. Oh and I also LOVE SLOTHS. (I'm like Kristen Bell with sloths.)

Disney is like my second religion. It is and was my entire childhood and its is probably because of Disney that I still act like a little kid! My favorite flower is a Sunflower, because it is so happy and bright! I love hot chocolate more than anything and love rainy days more than summer. Fall is my favorite season by far! It is simply beautiful and I love all the festivities and smells of fall. My undying wish is to travel the world and meet the love of my life (and if I'm lucky, I'll get to do both at the very same time!)

I am a wonderer and a curious mess! I love movies and spend a lot of time watching them! The Stars put me in absolute awe and I love them with more certainty than most. Awkward is my speciality and my family is my best friend list. 

I am a mormon. I know it. I live it. and I love it.  

Let's see...what else...OH! I am a feternal twin (just means I don't look the same as my twin!) In fact, most of the people we meet tell us we don't look anything alike, just more like sisters! But we are best friends and she is my other half. I love her so much! I have six siblings not including myself, whom I also love so dearly and sweetly, an old fluffy white dog we call Nimbus (he looks like a cloud!) and two amazing parents whom I love more than life itself! We call ourselves the Bensons. But other people probably call us crazy. 

Lastly, I am happy at life, I am a deep thinker, and creating things is my addiction. I create with words, I create with art, and I create in all I try to do! 

This is Kiersten Benson! This is ME! 

P.S. Thanks for putting up with this long introduction!