Thursday, January 14, 2016


[11 March, 1883]

In my view I am often immensely rich, not in money,
but (although just now perhaps not all the time) rich
because I have found my metier, something I can
devote myself to heart and soul and that gives
inspiration and meaning to my life.

My moods vary, of course, but nevertheless I have on average acquired a certain serenity.
I have a strong belief in art,
a certain faith that it is a powerful current that
carries a man to a haven, although he himself has to put
in an effort too. I think in any case that it is such a
blessing when a man has found his metier, that I don't
count myself among the unfortunates.

I mean that even if I were in some considerable
difficulties, and if there were dark days in my life, I
would not wish to be taken for one of the unfortunates,
nor would it be right.
