Tuesday, February 23, 2016

I Had a Dream About You

Never losing myself in the world with which I have created, you found me in a place I knew you'd someday appear. Like waltzing through an almost empty gallery I knew it would be only a matter of time before you found me and stopped to look a little closer. I had a dream about you, love. There we were in an unspecified painting surrounded by melting colours and all I remember is seeing you, your blues eyes on me, and a scrap of white paper resting in your hands gently. We were sitting close together, our knees probably touching and we were talking.  I loved how easily we found each other in our sentences. How happily we talked as if we'd never started and never ceased. We paused for a moment as you began to draw my face. The lighting was calm and grey like the charcoal in your soft hands and it felt warm like a sad spring day. 
It is strangely comforting to see your eyes rarely leave mine as you tell me how tirelessly you are trying to perfectly encapsulate their almond shape and blueish electricity. 
You are very passionate about this. 
My eyes follow the lines you are dragging across the pure paper, perhaps making the most beautiful and senseless drawing I have ever before seen.
It is no execution of technique or talent, but it is somehow compelling beyond reason.
I feel slightly undone but never for a moment notice you wishing to stop, as if this was all you ever wanted to do since the moment you laid eyes on me, and so neither do I. It seems I could watch you draw me forever. How egotistical that may sound--I only mean I am in love with the feeling of you wanting to watch me with those blue blue eyes, doing nothing more or less than swallowing the sweetness of my company.
I begin to think, to wonder. "How could anyone want to watch me without ceasing? Why would anyone find my company riveting, intoxicating, addicting? I am the one who possesses those feelings inexhaustibly. I am the one who loves the company of another human being with electric eyes and fiery passion." 
He keeps looking at me as if I am the entire world. 
As if I am the puzzle he can't quite figure out but would spend a lifetime trying to solve. 
His hands move intimately across the paper like decoding an equation purposefully. 
I have never before felt I deserved such a gentle look from an ocean of wild blue eyes, or any eyes for that matter. It truly is riveting. 
There was little time in matters of relativity but it existed shortly and we were happy. It was a simple snippet of a dream but it was marvelous. 
I would trade any seashell to feel that way once more. 
Any at all. 
From a dream of mine only hours ago, February 23, 2016 Tuesday
"Without You" by: Oh Wonder (These two understand)