Saturday, July 9, 2016

pink skies

Calm my beating heart
Let it wrestle with the fearsome winds and speak softly with the stars above as if it were truly brave.
Calm my beating heart
And let it lay beside the pink skies in the morning clouds that are soft and gentle and lovely.
Oh how I'd sing ever so sweetly to those soft pink skies knowing you were always beside me
Watching from beneath them.
If I could tangle my hand in yours and watch the way your dark eyes chase away my demons happily
And dance ever so slowly with my angels.
Nothing but quiet and a steady beating from our chests.
There is little I would require to be truly happy.
Truly, truly.
If you knew what heavy torbillion you cause within me when you're near
If you knew the frantic way with which my restless eyes search for you in every crowd, there is nothing you would not want to know about me.
They say that if we could hear every part of every persons story there isn't a single person we would not love.
I believe that now, beneath pink skies, helplessly loving you.
Needing your warmth beside me, within me.
I need your beating heart to calm the pounding one within me.
Calm my beating heart
Let it rest beside you with an open morning sky, blush from the way you look at me and the way I smile back.
Calm my beating heart
Or let yours race as fiercely as my own.
Kiss me slowly beneath pink skies and I promise I'll never let go of you. I'll gladly listen to your stories and fall helpless for the way you listen to mine as if they mean more to you than the entire world.
Calm my beating heart beneath soft pink skies
Or tell me you love me.
After all I think they are the same--
pink skies
And my beating heart.
They both rise and fall for you
Rise and fall just for you.

{For meeting you and wishing that it happened all the more sooner than today. Wishing already that we were friends and telling each other everything. For you, whoever you are or whoever you might be someday, I wrote this for you. I wrote this because I met you and I think I've been waiting all my life to. I think someday, when it's right, I will read this to you, with my heart beating madly, and someday when it's right, this will belong to you and always will. For you, whoever you are. I wrote this for you.}