Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It's a Tuesday

Today, I wish it was Tuesday.
Sadly, it's only Wednesday and though it isn't all around a horrific day, I find my strenuous thoughts fraying on the idea it is indeed not a Tuesday. I fear my sweater will be completely demolished in a matter of seconds if I'm not careful.
There's simply something spectacular about Tuesdays.
They seem to sparkle in the eyes of its beholder, dazzling all the senses. There like a good friend you run into on accident that you only wish could stay and chat a little longer about the good old days, when life had no timer and jokes were never in short supply. It's funny though, thinking back, I used to hate Tuesdays. They always seemed in the way, nothing more than an extra day in the week to forget about. It took me years to empathize its neglection but once I did, I fell in love with every piece of it. People think I'm crazy to love any other day of the week besides Friday, Sunday or Saturday, but what can I say? I can't help myself when Tuesday saunters by flashing his sly and outlandish smile, layered in whit and uncanny ideas. Who could ever think of Plain-Jane Thursday or Lugubrious Monday carrying the juice of every lemon between the folds of her skirt, when Tuesday twirls into the room?
How I wish you'd stay a while sweet Tuesday, you always remind me how unlonely life can be. It's as if your ticklish breath teases the curls of my hair as if leaning in to snatch a kiss. If I could be so lucky! If I could be so daring! Is there anything worse than a forgotten kiss from Tuesday? Perhaps losing a sock in the forbidding vat-of-toxic-laundry might be worse, or getting a kite tangled in a monstrous tree you cannot climb. Either way, Tuesdays are nothing to most everyone but me. (Morrie and me at least.)
I tried explaining my explicit love to someone once. I thought it would be easy. But then again, when is talking of love ever completely, explicitly easy? I know this instance wasn't. Here is all I said,
"Tuesdays, my dear friend are simple for one reason: Most everyone forgets about them. Think about it. Who ever gets together with friends on a Tuesday? Who honestly leaves the house for any other reason than the initial on a Tuesday?"
I paused for a moment, contemplating what I'd just spoken.
I concluded in my mind: Monday blocks it out with all its horrid, prolonged depression, then Wednesday with its faithful optimism that the week is at least halfway over. Thursday--I don't even want to talk about and Friday (I'm in love?). No Friday, she's there for everyone no matter what. Saturday is wondrous with freedom furling from his fancy fedora, then Sunday rolls in like Buddha (sometimes literally). Do you see? Where is Tuesday amidst all this? What does Tuesday really bring?
 I then finished to my friend,
"Only true friends get together on a Tuesday because it always feels in the way, most everyone feels tired or annoyed on a Tuesday (but not in the same way as on a Monday. That monster only comes at the beginning of the week). So, if you're making plans on a Tuesday with someone, you know they're pretty committed or they're very loyal because it's so forgettable and seemingly a hassle to 'deal with'. If anything, one can only appreciate a good, gosh-darn day of the week when they can appreciate a Tuesday. That's what real friends do anyway."
Do you get it now?
Tuesday is the underdog of the week, the real hero we all forget about, much like Ron Weasley and his loyalty, or Sam-Wise Gamgee on Mt. Doom. We need more people like Sam-Wise Gamgee gosh-dangit. Enough of forgetting about the "back round hero"! If I were dying and had only one last breath of air to put to good use, I would say only this:
"Oy! Enough with the Fridays already! Bring on the Tuesdays!"
That's all I can say for you kiddos (at least on a non-Tuesday kind of day).
Like today.