Some of the entrees I make are what I like to call the, "All I Want" entrees. They are pretty self-explanitory judging by the name, but they are little posts I write day by day of what I really want most in that moment, or in the near future. I figure since this is my blog that I should share some of them with you from time to here it goes!
June 26, 2013:
"All I want is a deep, dark rainy day, where it starts with little baby sprinkles, that turn to a heavy dumping, then grow to a shower of water. I want puddles to jump through, gutters to trudge through, and scattered footprints amongst the mucky black trail. A sea of dripping umbrellas will line the streets, and the only sound to be heard is people humming, "Singin' in the Rain" and the lulling thumps of rain drops dripping on the roof and down the windows. The only smell to smell is the beautiful, memory refreshing scent of fresh and left over rain. People will either dance under the heavens, splashing through its tears or cozy up under a soft warm ripple of a blanket with nothing but a steaming cup and a quiet fire to get them through the day. Sleepy voices will carry through the quiet rain of the night. Only a splash or two will be what remains when the morning sun peaks shyly from beneath the leaving clouds and erodes all of what was just the day before. That's all I want; the rain and me."