Sunday, September 18, 2016

Night Changes: part i

Catch me smiling
without me knowing it and
            you've captured my heart
            unraveling at the seams,

Catch a smile curl about
my lips when
I'm not watching anyone
       or feeling the world around me existing,
just feeling
my own world of happy thoughts
        happy dreams about life,
about picking the stray strings of myself on the bed I sit
on now,
just feeling


9-18-16 (for you, "birthday brat"--happy birthday.)

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

How Do I Love You?

How do I love you?
Oh, this way and that way.
Oh, happily. Perhaps
I may elaborate by

demonstration? Like
this, and
like this and

                no more words now



Sunday, September 11, 2016


The calm before the storm is just as unsettling and overwhelming as the chaos within it. Sometimes, within the most worthy and untelling occasions life can bring, even more so.

9/11/16 3:58pm Sunday

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

There was a little voice

There was a little voice inside of me
It did not frighten me to hear it;
I was lost
And it found me.
These are the words it said,
"Paint little one. Paint."


And I listened.


12:09pm September 7th, 2017