Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Lion and the Roar

October 31, 2013

I felt him coming. 
His rhythmic breathing echoed in my head. 
I tried to call out--but my voice was drifting away. 
"Stay back!" I tried to say, but it never came out. 
I felt so helpless and pathetic.
The moment of my deepest fear was approaching and there was nothing I could do about it.
Not one thing. 
And then, suddenly he was already here--right in-front of my shaking eyes. 
His golden sunset eyes bore into mine, devouring every inch of me. 
The cold breaths from a long run were slapping against my cheeks and nose, but I paid no mind to it. 
The only thing soaring through my head right now were questions and escape routes. 
Through my flowing blood I felt the weight of fear pumping through it, until the coldness overbore me. 
After an endless moment of heavy breathing, it finally ceased to a quiet, slumberous purr. 
I was surprise to find I wasn't shaking anymore, but peacefully sat their in calm anticipation for what this beast was planning to do with me. 
But this beast gave no room for ferreting his deep and cavernous plans. 
This beast could very well kill me on the very grave of my fading redemption. 
He could slaughter all my memories; devour every dream I ever had; and pilfer anything else that was vulnerable within me. 
But he didn't. 
He merely stared into my eyes and let his breaths rise and fall against mine. 
Then it was my turn to scrutinize his face--from his wispy whiskers tickling the pillows of my cheeks, to his thick, cascading main falling in golden-yellow tufts. 
It wasn't then that I felt brave--not just yet. 
No, the emotions coursing through my veins were anything but brave right now.
But then he did something that made me find my courage. 
He looked me in the eyes and then--He roared. 
And without warning too. 
And as his thunderous roar reached the limit of the sky, I roared too. 
I roared until I felt braver than this beast--this monster. 
And this monster I speak of, was not he golden Lion roaring to my right. 
This monster was the one inside of me, the one that died the moment I bellowed my roar louder than that Lion.
And louder than my fear. 


Sunday, October 13, 2013


But in the middle of my happiness i realized
that all those nostalgic moments from my past were no longer there
that the little girl who once loved to dream 
and dance 
and release her wild imagination
no longer existed.

The little girl who spent too much time in the sun
The little girl who chased dragons
and hunted fairies
and the little girl who fiercly imagined things she knew in her heart to be real
was no longer real.
No longer alive.

And there was nothing i could do to change that
no matter how much i wanted to

But deeply inserted within my aching heart
there lied a wish.
A small, but passionate wish
that i could be that little girl again.

I wished so desperately
so fiercely
that my life could somehow go back to a life
where magic and remarkable adventures filled the brief hours of the sun
That i could waste away the day
pretending to fly
and running fast enough to make my
tiny heart pound against my chest
all because i wanted to
I wished for a place
and time that  no longer belonged to me

But at a moment in my deep thinking
my wishing
turned to dreaming
Dreams that could cloud my past
and change my future 
 and come
and never leave 

And  it was then 
i knew that dreams
weren't always out of reach
not anymore.


October 13, 2013
 One rainy 
Sunday Afternoon

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A "Curiouser and Curiouser" Letter

Recently I wrote a letter to my sister Sarah (who is serving an LDS mission) that turned out to be SEVEN PAGES LONG. about a rather long and endless letter, but I must admit it contained something of great importance to me. Within the swirly, untidy sprawls of my pencil marks against the simply lined letter was a list. A list of myself.  Now I know what you are thinking: "Why in the world would a list about yourself have any significance what so ever?" But to put you at ease, the list had nothing really to do with informing my sister about myself, but had everything to do with proving a solid point to myself-- the point being to teach myself to love every detail about myself no matter how hard it may be.

You see I came across a passage online with an unknown author that really struck a cord in me. For days its words swirled inside my head and tormented me to confusion. It formed a question inside my head that I either refused to answer-- or was too frightened to. The question that plagued my mind was, in its simplest form: "Who am I really?"
It may sound cliché but the intensity of that question beat into my soul over and over and over agian. And the more I thought about it, the less I could answer it. Who was I, really? Surely I knew! But the more I asked the less I knew!

Upon one night when I no longer could avoid this haunting question I found myself slumped in front of my dusty mirror replaying the mysterious words from that online passage:

"who are you 

you are not a  name
or a height, or weight
or a gender
you are not where you 
are from

you are your favorite books
and the songs stuck in your head
you are your thoughts
and what you eat for breakfast
on saturday mornings

you are a thousand things
but everyone chooses 
to see the million things
you are not

you are not
where you are from
you are
 where you are going
and i'd  like
to go there


Probably not what you expected, huh? Yet there they were screaming in my head clear as day but as unnerving as the night. Tears streamed down my face until these words took full affect upon my heart and finally took hold of my brain. I could no longer ignore that treacherous question that faced me now of who I truly was.  It was then and only then that I had to make a decision of who I was and what I wanted to be. 

Suddenly it was in those solemn tears that I made a deep, indestructible promise--a vow if you will--that I would put forth every effort to become the person I and God wanted to be. I would spend every day learning to admire the faults, quirks, talents, pet-peeves, and details that made me, well, me! 
And so the first thing I could think to do was write a list; and a list i wrote from A-Z of all the smallest insignificant details about myself (well no longer insignificant to me). And the list was filled and made and it only awaitied to be sent, read, and dwelled. 

Read it if you will, but know that this is a historic moment for me! It may be hard to believe at times, but it is one of the hardest things for me to talk about myself without guilt nagging at the back of my head. I feel that if I should speak, it should only be directed to others. Now, I'm no where near perfect in accomplishing that goal, but I don't care about that as much anymore. My goal has grown to greater heights which I have every intention of reaching! And so read this list with great care and think only of good intentions:

A. I am an absolute, beyond a doubt Nature lover. Observing nature is where I find my solitude. 
B. My heart blissfully lies with the stars. (I'll never stop looking for that shooting star.)
C.  I have cute little dimples I always forget I have. :) (which, by the way, I am always reminded is something others are jealous of but I simply always forget I have them!)
D. You can only see the little scar on my forehead--right between the eyes--when I am angry or upset.
E. Reading and drawing are other places of solitude for me and bring spirit, passion and adventure into my soul.
F. My favorite breakfast cereal is Honey Nut Cherrios, but if I couldn't have those then I would most definitely choose waffles over anything!
G. Autumn is the most beautiful, mysterious, gentle, graceful and magical time of the year for me. (It's also my very favorites season!)
H. I'll always prefer dogs to cats no matter how cute they both are!
I. I have a strange bump on my right hand, ring finger from endless drawing and writing. (I guess I just hold my pencil really oddly...?) Which is another thing I always forget about. 
J. As much as I hate to admit it, Pinterest is one of my many weaknesses, along with: baggy beanies with pom-poms, romantic novels and movies, envelopes, friendly dogs, a good book to get lost in, pencil and paper, and toasty food. (especially pumpkin bread!)
K. "K" is for "Kiersten" which is my name and to be undeniably honest--I love the sound of my name, "Kiersten Pauline Benson".
L. I am "Philvophile", which means I am an absolute lover of rain and rainy days. As a matter of fact, I prefer rainy days to sunny days no matter what.
M. "M" is for "mail" and I love receiving and sending mail. I often wish I lived in an older time period where the only way of communicating was through letters and airmail. I mean, who doesn't feel overly special when they receive a letter? (I know I always do!)
N. I will always and eternally prefer a real book to a digital one. Always! Why? Well, purely because you can never replace nor receive the memory refreshing smell of a new and awaited book, or even an old one. You could never get that from a digital book. The next reason is simply, you cannot press vibrant flowers or leaves against the digital pages of an electronic book. Another reason to my preference is you can never replace the tear stains, finger prints, and accidental marks from dripping drinks and crumbling food you try to eat while reading at the same time. My last reasons are simply this: you can only experience turning the very last page to a long and adventurous story, with a real book; and a giant library stuffed with books will always be more impressive than a digital book. Always.
O. "O" is for "optimistic" which is what I am!
P. My ever growing desire to travel the world will never end and seems to me will only continue to emerge the longer I await a journey somewhere I've never been. What can I say? My heart is made with beating wings and a printed map right on top.
Q. "Q" is for "Question! Question! Question!" I am a wanderer and a curious mess (without even the tiniest chance of remedy for that.) My eyes were made for wondering, while my feet were made for wandering. 
R. "R" is not for "Yamel," but "Rachel" who made it possible for me to proudly say, "Hi! I am  Kiersten and I am a twin!"
S. I am a writer. It is what it is. But my mother once told me something about writing that has never left my heart. She said: "If you are going to be a writer, then you must know many, many words." And so, I strive to learn and I love learning new words everyday.
T. I do have faults like everybody else in this world, but I try to never focus on them. My faults have nothing to do with who I am or how I look, but rather what I do. For example:
-- I constantly pick my mascara off all the time! (And it drives my mom absolutely crazy, but I do it anyway!)
--I watch movies all-the-time. (probably WAY too much!) But what can I do? How do you fix a *wink wink* "problem" you don't mind having? That you in-fact, enjoy VERY much? Exactly. (You don't.)
--Most of my room is covered in pictures, piles and piles of books, notebooks, sketchpads, quotes, and random items scattered every-which-way! (Such as: seashells along my window seal, pebbles, dead flowers, and a secret letter box no one knows about.)
--I get nervous a lot. And more likely than not, it is for the dumbest reasons.
U. I try everyday to focus on others and not myself.
V. I am a hopeless romantic! My poor husband will have to put up with me constantly comparing him to "Mr. Darcy" and many other insanely attractive men only found in romance novels!
W. My favorite words off the top of my head are: captivating, escapade, empathetic, fetish, crisp, cozy, prepossessing, ravishing, and crunchy.
X. My family is my life and also my best friend list. Every last one of them will always come first in my life and I value their approval in all I do. They are my number one source of pure joy and laughter. <3
Z. I hate talking about myself, but I am learning not to. Someday someone will love every detail about me and it would probably help if I did too. And someday, I know I will.

I know that list came across very long, but letter "Z" should pretty much sum up why I made this blasted list in the first place! I know from other's perspective this list may seem trivial, but to me it means everything. It proves to me as well as anyone who is willing to read this, that I am stretching outside my boundaries and comfort-zone in order to become the person I want to be. So, all thanks to you for helping me on my way to bigger and better places.  I owe you a lot.

Originally Written: 
September 29,
12:06 PM
One Sunday